Meeting date: 
Monday, February 18, 2019


1)Meeting called to order @ 5:40 pm.

2)Attendance- Present; Tara Albert, Jeff Burns, Jen Holt, Dave Swanay, Bob White.              Absent; Andy Sanborn.

3)BOS/Committee Updates- Jen advised the SWC that there were no Warrant Articles this year that was specific to the Transfer Station or Solid Waste. The new Multi-Department Town Office building proposed on the Warrant article will provide much needed equipment storage for the Recreational Department. This will free up space at the Transfer Station,which will be needed if the town decides to resume source separation and baling. 

The BOS has asked SWC to research Policy and Procedures for  the disposal of solar panels. Along with provide verbiage suggestions for the operating manual. Tara has volunteered to work on this. Tara will let the committee know if she requires assistance on this task.  

The committee was informed that Jen, Andy and Bob renewed their service terms on SWC. Prior to being sworn in , Katy North asked “if any of the SWC members had any reservations or concerns they would like to address at this time?” Bob, Jen, and Andy responded “ yes”.                                                 The members took the opportunity to address their concerns with the BOS. Some of which were; the reversal of the C&D fee scale decision without consulting SWC for clarification (data collected for recommendation), failure to utilize SWC for the F.Y. 2020 T.S. Budget, failure to Consult or include SWC in the amended contract with Casella for glass, failure to pursue options available to create revenue from Source Separated glass. Jen added that recently SWC has been limited in their ability to fulfill “the marching orders” provided by the town’s legislative body in Article 2 of the Special Town Meeting.  Jen stated that the current fee scales do not offer transparency,continuity or fairness to the residents. The BOS explained that the T.S. Manager is a department head with the responsibility of the T.S. Budget and department decisions. SWC members stated the committee was created by the townspeople and it is currently being underutilized. Selectman Salatiello stated “ we appreciate all of Solid Waste committees hard work, and we will make an effort to take your recommendations more seriously.” The BOS offered to meet with SWC and T.S. Manager. Jen responded that SWC would discuss BOS meeting offer at their next regular meeting.


4) Discussion to hold future meeting with BOS and the Transfer Station manager- The outcome of the discussion was that all members present felt it would be beneficial to listen to the T.S. Managers thought process and goals. The joint meeting would also give SWC an opportunity to clarify their role as mandated by the voters. All members voiced the opinion that to continue to on recommendations and make presentations that ultimately are overturned is not benefiting the town and is wasting the resources of SWC members. The SWC agreed to hold a future meeting with BOS and the T.S. Manager, with the condition that SWC create a “Meeting purpose statement” and it be adhered to. Jen asked the Committee if SWC should wait until after Town Meeting to request a joint meeting with BOS and the T.S? the Committee Said “yes”. Jen asked all members to please write down their thoughts for the "meeting purpose statement" and bring it to the SWC March meeting so that the statement can be created.


5)Transfer Station Fiscal Analysis- Dave provided 3 handouts to the committee, (which have been attached to these minutes) they were reviewed and discussed by SWC. Dave reminded SWC that the Fiscal year runs from July to June. Bob White attended the Budget Committee/BOS FY 2020 Town budget meeting. Bob informed the committee that the T.S. Overall FY 2020 budget has increased 13% from FY 2019. The Transfer Station managers salary has increased 25%. Contracted  services has increased 16%. Both B.C and  BOS are recommending a $23,000.00 increase to the Transfer Station budget for FY 2020. Bob was unable to have answered if the T.S. Revenue matches the T.S. Increase costs. Bob reported during the meeting it was said that “SWC was invited to be involved in the T.S. Budget.”  No such invitation was received from B.C, BOS or the T.S. Manager, by the Chair, Jen ,or any other SWC member. As SWC members recall, when Bob offered to assist working  on or reviewing  the T.S. Budget, he was informed by the T.S. Manager that “ No help is needed,the budget is all done."


6)Solid Waste Market update- Tara reported that the most common contamination of source separated glass is porcelain and other solid waste items. More Towns are abandoning Single stream and moving towards Source Separation and baling in an effort to drive down the fiscal burden Single Stream poses to Towns.


7)Committee members have noticed the informational table at the T.S. containing educational materials, announcements, and examples of non-recyclable items is gone. Dave shared that while patroning the T.S.     Recently, he noticed a resident putting a large container of glass bottles in the single stream. After attempting to educate the resident on the changed glass policy. The resident said they were “unaware we aren’t putting glass in the single stream. I didn't see a sign telling me not to.”  The resident was shown the location of the sign. The resident was appreciative for the information offered by Dave. The committee noted that the sign is not readily visible if a resident enters the doorway directly across from the office. In January,Tara posted an educational video regarding the new procedure for Source seperating glass at the T.S. on We Love Sanbornton and Sanbornton Talks Trash Facebook pages. Jen put an informational announcement on SWC town page notifying residents of the educational video. Tara will post a second informational video to both Facebook pages to educate the public on glass Source Separation.  Jen will contact Rick to inquire if the educational table will return at the T.S in the future.

8)The Draft meeting minutes of 1/14/19 were reviewed by the committee. Jen made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Bob second the motion. No discussion. No amendments were required. Vote- Yes-5,    No-0, Abstain-0. Motion carries, Meeting Minutes of 1/14/19 accepted as written.

9)Other Business-None.

10) Public Comment-None.

11)Next Regular Meeting-3/18/19 at 5:30 pm.

12)Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm.


Respectfully Submitted,

Jen Holt-Chair,Recorder
