SWDC Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, January 18, 2021

                              SWDC Meeting Minutes-01/18/2021


I, Jennifer Holt- Chair of SWDC, am invoking the provisions of RSA 91.A:2 sub 3.b. 

In accordance with the guidelines set forth by Sanbornton BOS.

 As such this meeting will be conducted remotely via Zoom, tele- video conference, without a quorum of this body physically present in the same location



1) Meeting called to order at 5:40 pm.


2) Attendance of Members; Dave Swanay, Andy Sanborn, Jen Holt.

Absent- Jeff Burns.

Public present;Tara Albert


3) SWDC/BOS updates- Jen reported she was informed that per Town policy, Tara will be unable to renew her term on SWDC. Tara has recently moved out of town. The committee is very grateful to Tara for her years of hard work and dedication to the committee. Tara has offered to remain a resource when needed for the committee. Tara is welcome to attend and participate in SWDC meetings as a member of the public.


Jen has requested for the T.A. to post a request for volunteers to serve on SWDC. In 2016 the committee was formed with 8 members, 5 members,3 alternates. Currently the committee is down to 4 members. Andy volunteered to post a request for volunteers on Sanbornton talks trash Facebook page.


The BOS has revised the Solid Waste Town Ordinance that SWDC submitted. Jen shared the ordinance with the committee for review. 


4)Review and discussion of S.W. Ordinance- Dave had previously submitted questions regarding the ordinance, which were answered by Selectman Dick. 

Who is responsible for maintaining a copy at the town office and loading a copy onto the town website ? T.A. Stafford 

       2)   Will a copy be available for public view? Yes.


The committee had discussion regarding the admission policy inclusive of the use of stickers or permits. Ultimately the SWDC approved of the Solid Waste ordinance changes. All present stated it was a well written ordinance. SWDC suggested keeping a copy of the ordinance in the back of the Operating Plan as an addendum. There was discussion regarding the Operating plan. SWDC is aware the Operating plan was changed by BOS and manager Razhina,shortly after SWDC submitted it. DES requires a current Operating Plan for the town's permit by notification. However, DES is not involved in oversight of the Operating Plan. It is crucial the O.P. be kept up to date,to include all contingency plans for example Pandemics,floods,etc.


Jen will email Jim Dick to notify him of the committee’s approval of the Solid Waste Ordinance.


5)Vote to amend / accept the draft SWDC Meeting Minutes of 11/16/2020. A Motion was made by Andy and a Second was made by Dave.  Discussion-none.


Vote- Yes-3,     No- 0, Abstain- 0

Results- Draft SWDC Meeting minutes of 11/16/2020 passed  as written.


6)T.S. Fiscal updates- Dave reported that he continues to monitor the data he is provided. The increase in the bag/tag fees has increased revenue better than expected with an income of $90,000. Currently we are ½ way through the current fiscal year and the numbers indicate no overspending. The T.S. income is well above last year. The financial status is more sustainable than previous years. 


7)Reappointments- Jen stated she has emailed Jeff regarding renewal. Town volunteer form to be completed and emailed to T.A. Stafford.


8)Other business- Andy made a motion for SWDC to meet at the discretion of the committee chairperson. Dave second the motion. Discussion- Currently SWDC lacks ongoing tasks to warrant monthly meetings. Jen will maintain the meeting schedule of every 3rd Monday of the month on the town calendar. In the event BOS does not have a request for assistance from SWDC, Jen will cancel the monthly meeting and notify members. 


Vote; Yes-3,  No-O, Abstain-0

Motion carries as written. SWDC meeting schedule will be every 3 rd Monday of the month by discretion and notification of the SWDC Chair.


9)Public comment-Tara Albert

13)Next regular meeting via Zoom to be determined.

14) Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

 Jen Holt- SWDC Chair & Recorder
