SWDC Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, August 17, 2020

*Draft*- SWDC MEETING MINUTES - 08/17/2020


I, Jennifer Holt- Chair of SWDC, am invoking the provisions of RSA 91.A:2 sub 3.b. 

In accordance with the guidelines set forth by Sanbornton BOS.

 As such this meeting will be conducted remotely via Webex,  tele- video conference, without a quorum of this body physically present in the same location


1)Webex Meeting called to order at 5: 40  pm.


2)Attendance- Present ; members- Tara Albert,  Jen Holt, 

Dave Swanay.   Nate Douglass- Transfer Station Department head


Absent- Jeff Burns, Andy Sanborn 


3)SWDC/BOS updates- none at this time.


4) T.S. Updates/SWDC task assistance request-Nate reported that; The transfer station has been overflowing with MSW, S.S., C&D and metal. 

25 new residents have moved into town whom Nate provided Transfer Station information packets to. 


The new T.S. Budget is due to the BOS by September 30,2020. Preliminary budget is due September 9,2020 and will be an increase of over 4.5%- and over $29,000.00


Currently the T.S. is running over budget due to Casella unexpectedly increasing their fees and the ongoing pandemic.  

The new Casella contract is for 3 years.


Jen requested Nate please send a copy of the new Casella contract for our records. Nate agreed to email Jen a copy of the contract, which Jen will share with the committee. 


Tara suggested contacting our State rep,Tim Lang, to inquire if there are funds through FEMA or the CARES ACT specific for municipalities unable to cover their operating costs due to COVID. 


The BOS approved and implemented the new C&D fee scale. 

The BOS approved an increase cost of 50 cents for bags and tags effective Oct 1,2020.


Discussion continued the estimated overages for the current budget will be between $30,000-$50,000. Dave inquired if increasing the bag and tag fees to 75 cents would help cover COVID expenses.

Casella has not provided an itemized report to the town, which is pivotal for financial analysis,forecasting, and planning. Dave requested for Nate to send him any Casella financial documents that he has received to allow Dave to complete an accurate analysis. Nate agreed to get the records to Dave. Tara stated RSA directs revenue to the general fund.


Nate reported the T.S. has a new hire who has some experience. The T.S. will have 3 employees on Saturday and 2 employees on Thursdays and Fridays.


SWDC member tasks; 


Andy- Help Nate navigate general fund reimbursement to the Transfer Station.

Dave- finances and budget 


5)Dave continues to monitor the finances but needs the itemized reports from Casella .           


6) Tara reported Recycling and the markets continue to fluctuate.


7)Motion made by Tara to accept meeting minutes  of o7/20/2020 as written. Second made by Dave.   

Discussion-  none

Vote: Yes-3     No-0 , Abstain-0.

 results-Motion to accept Draft SWC meeting minutes of 07/20/2020 as written passes.


8)Other business- Next meeting create Goals with tasks for the future.

1)what are Nate's goals for next Spring?

2)navigate $ from General fund for T.S. Reimbursement 

3)staffing needs for the future 

4) possibility of assistant manager


9)Public comment- none.


10)Next regular meeting- Remotely-September 21 ,2020 @5:30 pm 


11)Meeting adjourned at 7:24 pm


Respectfully Submitted,  

Jen Holt- SWC Chair/Recorder 
