SWDC Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, July 20, 2020

*Draft*- SWDC MEETING MINUTES - 07/20/2020


I, Jennifer Holt- Chair of SWDC, am invoking the provisions of RSA 91.A:2 sub 3.b. 

In accordance with the guidelines set forth by Sanbornton BOS.

 As such this meeting will be conducted remotely via Webex,  tele- video conference, without a quorum of this body physically present in the same location


1)Webex Meeting called to order at 5: 40  pm.

2)Attendance- Present ; members- Tara Albert,  Jen Holt, 

Andy Sanborn, Dave Swanay.   Nate Douglass- Transfer Station Department head


Absent- Jeff Burns


3)SWC/BOS updates -Jen reported that; She contacted T.A. Stafford regarding NRRA reports be sent directly to Dave. T.A. Stafford has delegated this responsibility to the T.S. D.H.  Nate Douglass. On 6/17/20 Jen contacted Selectman Jim Dick via email , with the SWDC unanimous recommendations for the T.S. from the 6/15/20 meeting. The recommendations presented  were as follows;


1) A police presence at the transfer station  on Saturdays to help ensure safety of residents and employees as well as keeping the peace.

2)A BOS representative present to address residents concerns regarding current COVID practices at the transfer station.

3)An educational advisory update from SWDC  regarding residents visiting the transfer station during  COVID has been posted on the SWDC town webpage and on both town Facebook accounts.

4)Request for BOS to consider allowing the  hiring of additional staff at the transfer station to address the increased workload brought on by  the pandemic.

5)Increase the hourly salary of the transfer station employees to be competitive with area towns. 


Selectman Dick thanked SWDC for their recommendations and stated he would bring them to the board at the next meeting for consideration.


Jen was notified on the afternoon of  6/24/20 by T.A. Stafford( via email) that the T.S. was on the BOS agenda that evening. Jen notified T.A. Stafford, Unfortunately  she was in Boston at Mass Gen Hospital and would be unable to attend the meeting or coordinate with another member of SWDC to be present at the meeting.  


 Outcome of the 6/24/20 BOS meeting regarding SWDC recommendations per BOS  minutes “ Moving forward the Transfer Station manager is to address future concerns with the board of selectmen to find solutions.”


4) T.S. Updates/SWDC task assistance request-Nate stated that;  “conditions at the Transfer Station are improving, residents are improving with following the restrictions.  The Transfer Station has run at 100% for the last 10-11 weeks. I did request that the BOS not be present at the Transfer Station at this time. It wouldn’t be helpful right now.”  Jen stated “I am glad Nate that you reflected on the committee's recommendations and made that call. Our recommendations were made collaboratively with you. If in hindsight you realize that  a recommendation will not be helpful , we are happy to hear that you will voice that to the BOS. We are here to support you not complicate matters.” 


 Nate also reported that “ the police did perform some drive-throughs on Saturdays.” 

“The Transfer Station is over budget due to COVID. The volume of trash being collected has increased substantially. Casella fees have increased and glass is being placed in Single Stream. All of these things combined is putting us over budget. The board is looking into the CARES Act to assist.”


 Dave asked “ Nate have the residents who utilized the honor system for T.S. fees during the early days of the pandemic  been paying them back?”  

Nate responded “Yes they have. I would say about 90% of the residents have paid their outstanding fees.” 


Nate would like to address having resident  vehicles be required to have stickers to use Transfer Station. Discussion ensued. Jen reminded the committee that a few years ago the town voted down requiring residents to have a sticker for the Transfer Station during Town meeting,  Jen believes that to pursue this issue again would require a BOS Warrant article at Town meeting.


Nate stated he and Shauna would be presenting the BOS with a re-worked C&D fee scale ( created by Shauna and reviewed by Dave) and a request for an  increase in bag/tag fees of 50 cents at the BOS meeting on 7/22. Nate stated he believed the fee increases would not go into effect until October. Jen asked if Nate would like SWC present at the BOS meeting. Nate said he was all set.


Nate asked Andy if he had gotten any feedback from residents wanting to volunteer to run the Swap Shop? Andy replied “ In my initial survey there was some support to volunteer for the Swap Shop.” 

Nate re-stated that  “the Swap Shop can only re-open post COVID if it is 100% volunteer run. The Transfer Station is currently not adequately staffed to oversee the operation of the Swap Shop.”

Tara suggested Nate post a clipboard for people who are  interested in volunteering to run the Swap Shop. 


Jen asked Nate what SWDC could currently do to support him. Nate responded  

“ help educate the public on  post COVID operations. Help get the new fee scale information out  before it goes into effect in October. CIP presentation advice from Andy  for building and equipment repairs or purchases.” 

Conversation followed regarding procedure for contacting CIP for funds to assist with Transfer station equipment or building costs. 


SWDC member tasks; 

Tara-gather and supply Nate with information for mask and COVID safety.

Andy-post Casella education pamphlet on Facebook page. Assist Nate to prepare for  requesting the CIP help with T.S. buildings and equipment expenses in October.

Dave- finances


5)Dave reported that Shauna did an excellent job re-working the C&D fees. Increasing the Bags and tags fee by 50 cents will raise $25,000.00 . 

 Fee increases are as follows;        Hauling from $155- $214.00

                                                             MSW disposal from $72-$90.00

                                                             Container rental  from $ 30-$48.00

                                                            C&D   up $5.00

                                                             Single Stream hauling up $29,000.00                                                             


 6) Tara reported that NRRA will be opening a new glass processing facility in Gilford. NRRA will be hosting 2 workshops on contracts via Webinar.


7)Motion made by Tara to accept meeting minutes  of o6/15/2020 as written. Second made by Dave.   

Discussion-  none

Vote: Yes-4,,  No-0 , Abstain-0.

 results-Motion to accept Draft SWC meeting minutes of 06/15/2020 as written passes.


8)Other business- Next meeting preferred  forum? Decision Webex which Tara has agreed to set up for the committee again. 

9)Public comment- none.

10)Next regular meeting- Remotely- August 17,2020 @5:30 pm via Web-ex

11)Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm


Respectfully Submitted,  

Jen Holt- SWC Chair/Recorder 
