SWDC meeting minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, April 11, 2022

 SWDC Meeting Minutes - 04/11/2022


1) Meeting called to order at 5:40 pm.


2) Present - Andy Sanborn, Dave Swanay, Jen Holt, 

Shauna Goutier (Transfer Station manager)

    Absent- Jeff Burns


3) SWDC/BOS updates - Jen is reappointed to SWDC until 2025. She will continue in her current role on the committee as Chair and recorder. Jen addressed concerns that it appeared as if  Shauna had presented previous SWDC meeting discussions as SWDC recommendations in the recent BOS minutes of 3/16/22. All present agreed that SWDC meeting discussions do not always become recommendations that are made to the BOS. When a topic rises to the level of a recommendation, SWDC will make a presentation. Shauna voiced understanding of SWDC concern and request.    


4) Fiscal updates - Dave reported costs continue to rise. He strongly recommends the T.S. get a drive on scale for C&D to ensure accurate charging to cover the costs of disposal. 


5) Transfer Station - Shauna reported;

1) Beth resigned, her last day is June 25th. Beth will maintain her certifications and remain per diem for the T.S.  

Shauna is currently searching for a #2 attendant and has requested approval for a #3 attendant. The average starting salary at the T.S. is $12.50. 

The committee commented that the starting hourly rate for an attendant is low in comparison to other employers in the area, and the attendant position is physically strenuous and demanding. 


2) Shauna learned that Casella is unaware of the exact percentage of items in each category of Single stream (paper, plastic, glass, tin/aluminum, and cardboard). Apparently, Casella sporadically chooses loads to inspect and stops the load as it travels on the conveyor belt. Casella only knows the total weight of Sanbornton’s S.S.Therefore Casella does not actually know how much cardboard, glass, plastic, aluminum Sanboirnton disposes in a given month. Andy suggested Sanbornton rejoin with NRRA to facilitate more accurate data. Shauna stated she prefers not to rejoin NRRA due to the middle man scenario it creates.


3) Shauna also reported that she was told Sanbornton has some of the cleanest single stream items (plastic, glass, aluminum/tin containers).


This led to further discussion regarding source separation and pulling aluminum/tin, cardboard, and glass from S.S.from a fiscal and environmental standpoint. SWDC has been advised that landfill space in New England is rapidly shrinking and that not all single stream items end up in recycling.  

 Aluminum is currently valuable due to the nationwide shortage. Pulling metal cans could save $2,000.00 per year or more. Shauna is considering purchasing roll around carts ($1,000.00 each) for collecting and moving cans to the metal pile.

Shauna stated glass separation has ceased. Despite SWDC pointing out that glass makes up 1/4 of the total weight of S.S. which makes disposing of glass in S.S. an expensive option.

Members asked Shauna when the current Casella contract will end. Shauna stated June of 2023.SWDC requested that they be part of the new contract process with Casella in 2023


Suggestions were made for source separating cardboard-

a) Get a container for cardboard, put the container in the previous location in T.S. building with loading dock. 

b) Place metal racks in T.S. building to hold bales of cardboard.  


4) Shauna stated that the T.S. backhoe has been broken for the past 5 weeks. She has been borrowing the Highway departments backhoe when it is available. This is problematic for dealing with the metal pile. SWDC stated a functioning backhoe is essential equipment for the T.S. Shauna hoped to have the backhoe repaired in the next couple of weeks.


5) The collection of old doors and windows have been removed.


6) The Rec Department has cleaned out the remainder of their items at the T.S. 


7) Shauna will be attending the NRRA conference on May 16 and May 17th. 


Discussion - Shauna stated  the May 16th session  focus will be on source separation versus single stream in municipalities. Andy voiced an interest in attending that session. Shauna stated it costs $150.00 and registration closes April 18th.

Jen stated she will address the BOS with a request to send Andy to the May 16th NRRA session.

If allowed by BOS, Andy will attend the conference. Andy will report  back to the committee what he has learned at our next meeting.


6) Vote to amend/accept draft meeting minutes of 03/11/22.

 Motion made by Andy.    Second by Dave.      Discussion- Dave noted an error on the minutes. Recommendation should say “ rent container.” not a compactor. 

Vote - Yes-3,       No-0,      Abstain-0.

Motion to accept draft minutes of 03/11/22 with corrections passes unanimously.


7) Discussion to move the next meeting to May 23,2022 . Committee agreed unanimously to change the date of the May meeting. Jen will notify T.A. Stafford, and request that she change the SWDC May meeting date on the town calendar.


8) Public comment- none.


9) Next regular meeting- 05/23/22 at 5:30 pm


10) Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.


Respectfully Submitted,

Jen Holt, SWDC Chair & Recorder
