Meeting date: 
Monday, February 17, 2020


1)Meeting called to order at 5: 35 pm.

2)Attendance- Present ; Tara Albert, Jeff Burns, Jen Holt, 

Andy Sanborn, Dave Swanay.   


3)SWC/BOS updates -Jen reported that;

a) She requested T.A. Stafford notify the BOS that SWC unanimously voted on 1/20/20 to change the member status of Andy Sanborn from alternate to a full member. Additionally, SWC requested that the BOS search for an alternate member. 


b)Jen was informed that it is a requirement prior to re-appointments, SWC members must submit the “Board/Committee Volunteer Application form” to T.A. Stafford. Jen has copies of the form if needed.

Discussion-This is new information to all members. All members recall filing the above form prior to their original appointment to SWC. Additionally over the last 4 years, no member renewing their appointment to SWC had received a request to submit the ”volunteer application form” prior to being sworn in. 


c)All Members may continue to be sworn in by BOS or the TC/TC.


d)Presently there is not a consensus as to the “official month” that terms expire. 

Discussion- Historically, term expirations occur on the same month to which a member is originally appointed . In order for a member to maintain their ability to vote during a committee meeting, members must be resworn in prior to their term expiration month. 


e)It has been suggested that it is under consideration to have All Town appointments and reappointments for Boards and Committees be sworn in at the End of the Annual Town Meeting. 

Discussion-concern was raised regarding that the Annual Town Meeting frequently doesn't end until 11:00 pm-1:00.  Not all Committee volunteers are able to attend the Town Meeting or stay until after the meetings end. 


4)Report of T.S. FY 2021 Budget presentations- Dave reported that the T.S. Budget of $254,000.00 was well received by both the BOS and the Budget Committee. Selectman Dick encouraged adding additional funds to the budget for future baling. The Budget Committee advocated for increasing resident fees. T.S.D.H. Nate will likely be needing to increase the cost of bag stickers given that the price of the stickers themselves will be increasing.


5)Solid Waste Market and Contracts- Tara reported recent MOM outcome finds problems with metals such as soda or beer cans being wrapped in plastic or paper labels from manufacturers. Some Cardboard boxes are lined with plastic film. LRPC meeting- looking into regionalized solid waste facility. Bethlehem landfill is expected to close 2021. Contracts- Solid Waste removal contracts are worth putting out to bid. Some companies are more willing to work with municipalities than others. Tara will follow up with Nate.


6) T.S. Updates- Committee discussion 

Nate has Single Stream back up container to avoid overflow issues. Cardboard is currently being collected and stored with plans to add  metal cans and aluminum. Resident Source separating will remain voluntary for up to two years at which point it will become mandatory. Nate is instituting T.S. Stickers on resident vehicles, in an attempt to stop non-resident use of the T.S. 


Jen voiced “concerns of Nate being spread too thin in the future. As the T.S. Department head and Town handyman/back up snow plow.Nate is working hard to move the Transfer Station in the direction of it being fiscally and environmentally sound for the Town. Instituting and maintaining the many facets of baling is a full time job. I don't want to see Sanbornton lose Nate due to the workload. The expectation that Nate divides his time between the Transfer Station and town maintenance may need to be reconsidered .” The committee echoed Jen's concerns.


7)A Motion was made by Tara to accept the SWC Draft Meeting Minutes of 11/18/19.  Second made by Jeff.   

Discussion-  requests for Amendment of title from “ agenda to  Meeting minutes”. Tara will correct and forward to Jen for posting.

Vote: Yes-4,  No-0 , Abstain-1.

Motion to accept Draft SWC meeting minutes of 11/18/19 with corrections passes.


8) A motion was made by Tara to accept the SWC Draft Meeting Minutes of 12/9/19 . Second was made by Andy.

Discussion- no amendments required.

Vote- Yes- 3, No-0 , Abstain- 2

Results- Motion to accept Draft SWC Meeting Minutes of 12/9/19 carries , minutes passed as written.


9) Jen made a motion to accept the Draft Meeting Minutes of 01/20/20. Second made by Dave.

Discussion- requests for title amendment from “ agenda to meeting minutes”. Tara will correct and forward to Jen for posting.

Vote- Yes- 4, No-0, abstain-1.

Results- motion to accept Draft SWC Meeting minutes of 01/20/20 with correction  passes.

10)Other business- none

11)Public comment- None.

12)Next regular meeting-March 16,2020 @5:30 pm

13)Meeting adjourned at 7:25


Respectfully Submitted,  

Jen Holt- SWC Chair/Recorder 
