Meeting date: 
Monday, August 19, 2019


1)Meeting called to order at 6:15 p.m.

2)Attendance- Present- Jen Holt ,Andy Sanborn ,Jeff Burns, Dave Swanay.   Absent- Tara Albert, Bob White.

3)motion was made by  Jeff to allow Andy Sanborn to Vote during this meeting. Second by  Dave. Discussion-none. Vote- Yes- 3, No-0 Abstain-0. Motion carries, Andy Sanborn to Vote this Meeting.

4)SWC/BOS updates- Jen advised the committee that Rick has sold his home and has purchased property on Cape Cod. Rick has offered to stay until his replacement is found. No concrete timeline has been set. The Deputy tc/tc and Tc/tc have resigned. Katy North has resigned. The new Town administrator, Trish Stafford, will begin next week. Jen informed the committee that she has emailed and spoken with interim T.A, Omara, regarding obtaining the NRRA reports (July&August 2019)and the Town financial statements- July 1,2018 to June 30,2019 including the current fiscal year for the Transfer Station. Interim T.A. Omara has forwarded the matter to Trish Stafford,the incoming T.A.

5)T.S. Fiscal analysis- deferred due to Dave not receiving current fiscal data or NRRA reports.

6)Old Home day report- deferred while Tara is on vacation.

7)Vote to accept 6/17/19 SWC Draft Meeting Minutes as written . Motion made by Andy. Second by Dave. Discussion- none. Vote: Yes-4,  No-0 Abstain-0. Motion to accept SWC 6/17/19 meeting minutes as written passes unanimously.

8)Other business- The committee discussed the need and their  continued commitment to fulfilling the SWC role, as voted 12/18/15 by the legislative body. The committee also discussed decreasing their meeting schedule given SWC current underutilization. No decision was made at this time.

9)Public comment- None.

10)Next regular meeting-09/16/19 @5:30 pm.

11)Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

Jen Holt- SWC Chair/Recorder
