Meeting date: 
Monday, March 18, 2019



1)Meeting called to order at 5:45 pm.

2)Attendance- Present; Jeff Burns, Jen Holt, Dave Swanay, Bob White,

Tara Albert (arrived@6:50pm).    Absent- Andy Sanborn.

3)BOS/Committee Updates- Jen advised SWC that the Warrant Article to move forward with a multi-department town office building has failed. Thus the space needs conundrum within the Town will continue to be a challenge for the Transfer Station.

4)SWC has decided it will not pursue a joint meeting between the BOS,Transfer Station manager and SWC at this time. Instead the committee will proceed by;

  a.)Jen will set up a meeting with the T.S. Manager to gain clarification of his goals for the Transfer Station, and how SWC can assist in achieving those goals. Additionally, Jen will inform Rick of the SWC public education videos posted,available grant opportunities for baling containers and upcoming education opportunities. Jen will report back to the committee at the next meeting 

  b.)SWC Chair will make the following recommendations to the BOS( and report back to the committee during their next meeting;

  1)To foster knowledge continuity SWC requests that a BOS member attend DES “Rethinking Recycling” presentation on May 2,2019. This presentation will provide education regarding the state of the current Solid Waste markets and it’s practical applications for municipalities. 1-2 members of SWC will be attending this presentation as well. Rick had previously signed up to attend DES “ Rethinking Recycling” but has since cancelled his registration.

  2)BOS allow Rick to attend the “Annual NRRA Conference for Municipal Public Transfer Station Operators” on May 20 and May 21st. As have previous Transfer Station managers;Johnny Vantassel,Brian Boudreau and Kevin Austin.

  3)BOS Invite Mike Durfor, NRRA Executive Director, as soon as possible to a BOS meeting to provide concise information to the Board and Rick regarding Solid Waste markets,Source Separation,best practices and available grants.


  c.)The goal for the suggestions made above is for SWC,BOS and the Transfer Station manager to “ all be on the same page” and have the same knowledge of the Solid Waste markets,Best Practices and baling options moving forward.  SWC feels upon completion of the recommended education opportunities it would be beneficial to hold a joint meeting between BOS,the Transfer Station manager and SWC to troubleshoot the rising cost burden of Solid Waste management and discuss long term goals.

5)Transfer Station Fiscal Analysis- Dave informed the committee that pulling glass out of the Single Stream has already had a positive impact in decreasing the tonnage and overall cost burden. To date the Transfer Station is operating over budget. It is exceeding the budget in part to trucking and hauling fees, which have not yet been impacted by glass hauling.

6)Solid Waste Market update- Tara reported that during the Solid Waste Marketing Operations Meeting she attended,emphasis was made on the need for municipalities to get away from Single Stream recycling. Revenue is up for baled Source Separated paper and plastic(not containing cardboard headers). Vendors are accepting vertically baled plastic with metal banding. Not all Transfer Stations have “vertical balers”  however, to the best of the committees recollection,Sanbornton does possess a vertical baler. NRRA and “NH The Beautiful” are partnering up to offer grants for shipping containers to store recyclable material in. Tara will share the MOM meeting minutes with SWC.

7) A motion was made by Bob White to vote to accept the Draft Meeting Minutes of 02/18/19. Second by Jen Holt. No discussion was held. No Amendments required. Vote results- Yes-5,  No-0, Abstain-0.

Motion carries to accept Draft meeting minutes of 02/18/19 as written.

8)Other Business-Tara researched the BOS request for “solar panel disposal verbiage for the Transfer Station Operating Manual”. DES recommends each facility contact their “E-Waste” vendor for Solar Panel disposal instructions. “E-Waste” is the company that handles disposal of electronics and TV’s for the town. Jen will provide this information to BOS when she presents SWC recommendations to the Board and report back to the committee.

9)Public Comment-None.

10)Next Regular Meeting- 04/15/19 at 5:30 pm.

11)Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jen Holt-Chair,Recorder
