SWC Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, January 14, 2019

 SWC Meeting Minutes: 01/14/20/2019


Meeting called to order at 5:40 pm.

Attendance -Tara Albert, Jeff Burns, Jen Holt, Andy Sanborn, Dave Swanay, Bob White.

Vote-to allow alternate to fulfill quorum- not applicable.

BOS/SWC Updates- Jen provided the Committee a copy of the 12/14/18 “Amended Casella/NRRA contract & Fee schedule”. The original contract was revised to include glass removal. Jen informed SWC that the T.S. has recently begun to Source Separate glass from Single Stream. However, despite its environmental and financial benefits, the BOS has opted not to follow SWC recommendation to use PGA within the Town. Additionally,BOS will not pursue the generation of new revenue opportunities thru the sale of Source Separated glass. Nor will the town be transporting the glass to Lebanon for disposal,instead Casella will be paid to haul the glass. SWC was not offered an opportunity to advise or weigh in on the above decisions. SWC was notified of the amended Casella contract after its signing. The BOS has denied SWC request for a budget Increase for postage. Members terms expiring in 2019 are Andy,Bob and Jen. Please attend the BOS Meeting on 01/16/19 to renew your terms.

Review “Amended Casella Contract”” signed on 12/14/18. The highlights of the discussions were; had SWC been given the chance to advise the BOS on this contract, the committee would have recommended investigating all options further before amending the town's existing contract. Given that it will take some time for the Town to fill the glass container before it will need to be emptied. SWC would have advised the BOS to rent an additional container for glass storage. Then take the time to find the best financial option for the Source Separated glass.                                                                               The SWC expressed concern in their ability to successfully fulfill the legislative bodies call for “SWC to address policy issues,advise on budget preparation, recommend and advise the Town Selectmen on setting fees and Solid waste matters.” (Per Article:#2 of the Sanbornton Special Town Meeting on 12/18/2015). When BOS reverses it's decisions to accept SWC updated and transparent C&D fee schedule. SWC was not given the opportunity to review or advise on the T.S. Budget preparation. SWC was not consulted regarding amended the Casella contract or handling of Source Separated glass.

Discussion for possible Warrant Article- The committee has asked Jen to contact Katie A. to learn if there are any warrant articles that address “eliminating the Town mandate of Source Separation” or if there are any articles on the Warrant that may pertain to the Solid Waste and Disposal Committee. If articles exist that pertain to SWC, Jen will request that the SWC be allowed to see a copy of the Warrant articles. Additionally, Jen will inquire if a Public hearing date has been scheduled for Warrant articles? Jen will follow up with the Committee after hearing back from Katie A.  The SWC has decided not to pursue a petition for a Warrant Article at this time.

Committee member updates- Jeff made a motion to keep SWC Meeting schedule the same for 2019. Tara second the motion. Jen called for discussion-none. Vote- Yes-5,   No-0, Abstain-0. Motion to maintain current SWC meeting schedule passes unanimously.                                                                              The Committee discussed the need for educating the community regarding the T.S. Source Separating glass from Single Stream specifically;the current location of the glass container at the T.S.(parallel or left of the Single Stream), the importance of glass being clean, Porcelain is not accepted as part of the Source Separated glass,residents should check with the T.S. attendant for direction on Porcelain items or with any questions. Tara has volunteered to post an educational podcast(as a D.E.S employee) on Sanbornton Talks Trash. Tara will inform the public that the T.S. is Source Separating glass and what residents need to know about Source Separating.  

T.S. Fiscal analysis - deferred until next meeting.

Review and Vote to accept SWC Meeting Minutes of 10/15/18-  Motion made by Jen Holt . Second by Tara Albert. Discussion- none.  Amendments- None. Vote- Yes-5, No-0 , Abstain-0. Result-Motion to accept SWC Meeting Minutes of 10/15/18  as written passes unanimously.

Other Business - SWC Members will try to attend Budget Committee public hearing of the Budget Committee's Town budget on 2/11/19.

Public Comment - None.

Next Regular Meeting- 2/18/19@5:30 pm.

Meeting Adjourned @7:50 pm.