2022 MS-737 (Covers FY23)

The link above will direct you to the Town of Sanbornton's 2022 MS-737 form.  The data within MS-737 is submitted each spring to the NH Department of Revenue Administration (DRA).  The budget amounts shown on pages 2 - 7 are aggregated from the Town of Sanbornton - Proposed FY23 Budget, found within the 2021 Annual Town Report (Town Report available using the link to the left).  So, the 2021 Annual Town Report contains the 2023 proposed budget, which in turn drives the 2022 MS-737; yes, its confusing.  In simple terms, the MS-737 aggregates the budget proposed but merely does so in the form and using the categorization required by the DRA.  The MS-737 also includes a preliminary estimate of revenues which are depicted on pages 8 - 9.  Revenues are later refined by the Board of Selectmen and resubmitted to the DRA in September of each year using the MS-434 form.