2023 MS-737 (Covers FY24)

The link above will direct you to the Town of Sanbornton's 2023 MS-737 form.  The data within MS-737 is submitted to the NH Department of Revenue Administration (DRA) each year before Town Meeting.  The budget amounts shown on pages 2 - 7 are aggregated from the Town of Sanbornton - Proposed FY24 Budget, which can be found using the links to the left of this webpage.  In simple terms, the MS-737 aggregates the budget proposed but merely does so in the form and using the categorization required by the DRA.  The MS-737 also includes a preliminary estimate of revenues which are depicted on pages 8 - 9.  Revenues are later refined by the Board of Selectmen and resubmitted to the DRA in September of each year using the MS-434 form.