Meeting date: 
Monday, November 16, 2020

                              SWDC -Draft- Meeting Minutes-11/16//2020


I, Jennifer Holt- Chair of SWDC, am invoking the provisions of RSA 91.A:2 sub 3.b. 

In accordance with the guidelines set forth by Sanbornton BOS.

 As such this meeting will be conducted remotely via Zoom, tele- video conference, without a quorum of this body physically present in the same location



1) Meeting called to order at 5:33 pm.


2) Attendance- Dave Swanay, Jeff Burns ,Tara Albert, Andy Sanborn, Jen Holt


3) Jen stated there were no new SWDC/BOS updates to report .


4) Tara presented the rewritten Solid Waste Town Ordinance to the committee.


5)Discussion of the revision to the S.W. ordinance followed. It was noted that under the current S.W. Ordinance, Article #10- Penalty. TheTransfer Station manager and BOS have recourse action in addressing  residents who violate the town ordinance and directives. This would be inclusive of the current COVID protocol, abusive actions by residents to T.S. staff, failure to pay fees,or follow  the T.S. operating procedures. This penalty is currently set in the form of a fine, not to exceed $100.00. A Town Ordinance is an iron clad rule. SWDC made note that the S.W. town ordinance needs to be included in the Operating plan. 


6)Vote to accept & Submit S.W. Ordinance to BOS- Andy made a motion to accept the revised S.W. ordinance as written and have the chair submit it to the BOS. The motion was Second by Jen. There was no further discussion. 

Vote-Yes-5,     No-0, Abstain-0.

Motion to accept and submit revised S.W. Ordinance to the BOS passed unanimously.


7)Vote to amend / accept the draft SWDC Meeting Minutes of 10/26/2020. A Motion was made by Andy and a Second was made by Tara.  Discussion- one member would abstain from voting due to technical difficulties in viewing the draft minutes.


Vote- Yes-4,     No- 0, Abstain- 1 

Results- Draft SWDC Meeting minutes of 10/26/2020 passed  as written.


8)Vote to skip December 21,2020 meeting- Jen made a motion to continue the tradition of skipping the December SWDC meeting. Tara second the motion.

Discussion- SWDC has no outstanding tasks with the completion of the rewritten S.W. ordinance. Multiple members are expected to be away for the holiday season.

Vote- Yes-5,   No-0, Abstain-0.

Motion to skip December meeting passes unanimously.


9) T.S. Fiscal updates- Dave reported that he continues to monitor the data he is provided. Dave has noted that the town is only being charged for the cost of trucking Single Stream at this time. The town is charged for tonnage and trucking for C&D and MSW. Dave will verify this with Nate.


10) Solid Waste Market updates- Tara reported the markets continue to be volatile. The CDC has new information for the indoor operations of solid waste. 


11)Other business- Jen addressed members terms expiring in February  2021,Jeff and Tara. Tara is uncertain if she will have the ability to commit to another term to SWDC. Discussion ensued. Jen suggested the possibility of Tara remaining on as an alternate. Thereby attending meetings as her schedule permits. Another possibility is decreasing the monthly committee meeting length to an hour or an hour and a half, as opposed to 2 and ½ hours a month.  The committee will revisit this topic at our next meeting in January.


Andy notified the committee that the planning board would be addressing the Solar Garden during their 11/19/20 meeting via teleconference. Login Information for the meeting is on the planning board's agenda, found on the Planning Boards  page on the town website.  


12) Public comment-None

13)Next regular meeting, January 18,2021 at 5:30 pm via Zoom

14) Meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

 Jen Holt- SWDC Chair & Recorder
