Low and Moderate Income Homeowners Property Tax Relief

Taxpayer Assistance for Low- and Moderate-Income Homeowners Property Tax Relief

The Low & Moderate Income Homeowners Property Tax Relief program was designed to lessen the economic burden of the State Education Property Tax on certain at-risk taxpayers.Chapter 95, Session Laws of 2021, HB 486 amends RSA 198:57 to increase the income limitations for the receipt of a Low & Moderate Income Property Tax Relief award as well as the maximum amount of tax relief available to an awardee for property taxes assessed on or after April 1, 2021

An eligible applicant for the Low and Moderate Income Homeowners Property Tax Relief is a person who is:

  • Single with adjusted gross income equal to or less than $37,000; or
  • Married or head of NH household with adjusted gross income less than or equal to $47,000; and
  • Owns a homestead subject to the State Education Property Tax; and Has resided in that homestead on April 1 of the year for which the claim is made

Forms for this program will be available on Monday, May 2nd through the Assessing Office.  For questions about this program please contact Terri Jansky, Assessing Assistant at 603.729.8005 or by email at assessing@sanborntonnh.org